Library Data
Library Data
Sol 115-1105 IC
Main | Belgard


Egyrn Subsector - Belgardian Sojurnate

Belgard is the capital of the Belgardian Sojurnate. Originally settled by Admiral Beauregard and his followers during the Civil War. The Belgardian culture is very xenophobic, regarding all other space-farers as the enemy. The entire population follows a religion that promises that this planet is just a temporary sojourn on the journey to another planet that will be paradise. Foreigners are seen as an obstacle to this progress. As a result of their religious beliefs, the Belgardians have systematically plundered the natural resources of the planet without regard to the long term environmental impact. This has resulted in a atmosphere now so polluted that respirators are required, and massive desertification. The actual sustainable Tech Level of the planet is only 6 - higher tech artefacts are relics of the settlement era, continually patched. Trading for spares for their starships and weapons is one of the few reasons the Belgardians will peacefully contact off-worlders. They are not above using their small navy of corvettes and patrol vessels to attempt to seize foreign vessels for parts though.

Star Data

StarCategoryClassMass (Sol)Temp (K)Luminosity (Sol)Diameter (AU)Habitable Zone (AU)Jump Shadow (AU)M-Drive Limit (AU)
PrimaryK8 VMain Sequence0.52143000-38000.0560.005170.19 - 0.310.5175.17
SecondaryDAWhite Dwarf0.36140000.0050.000160.06 - 0.090.0160.16

Orbital Data

0 Star0


Belgard (planet)

Starport:CRoutine - refined fuel available, no highport
Size (Diameter):58,000km
Atmosphere:7Standard, tainted, respirators required
Hydrosphere:110% surface area
Government:2Participating Democracy
Law Level:1Body pistols, explosives and poison gas prohibited
Tech Level:9 (6)Anti-gravity
Infrastructure:0Non existent
Efficiency:-5Extremely Poor
Acceptance:2Very Xenophobic
Strangeness:1Very Typical
 LoLow Population

Local Map

Jump2 Map

Page last modified on December 23, 2021, at 02:48 PM