Kurog is the Thane of Brinmarch, rewarded by Prince Kadikathis for his mighty deeds in quelling the Astavaron Rebellion.





Sentinel is an agent in the employ of Wesloke the mage, and member of the Silent Strike Force in Sanctuary. Her speciality is infiltration and undercover work.

Shadow is a member of the Silent Strike Force in Sanctuary, specialising in observation and espionage.

Seedra Willowflax is a half-elven minstrel and wandering bard, occasionally found in Sanctuary, or elsewhere in the Southlands.

Teela is a human singer and lutist who plays the low-end taverns in the Maze and poorer areas of Sanctuary, including the Street of Red Laterns. As befits these sort of venues, the quality of her performance isn’t of the highest quality, and her outfits are cheap, revealing and showy women’s clothes that were once fashionable but are now out of date. She is actually an informant in the pay of Wesloke, and between performances, she will be listening to see what the background conversation is, and even tries to evesdrop as she wanders from table to table looking for tips.
Aderia is a wandering elven minstrel who frequents the best inns of Sanctuary, keeping her ear to the ground, and picking up on gossip. Her act here uses her Flute of Illusions to generate magical effects as she plays, making her quite a notable performer. Aderia wears expensive dresses of silk in the latest styles.