KingdomOfSoltaraThe most powerful kingdom of the Inner Sea?, Soltara is a powerful and militant theocracy under its priest-king, who leads the worship of Arpan, the Sun. The Soltarans are pale-skinned, tall and strongly built. They are a very patriarchal society. Women are subservient to their husbands and fathers. They have a strong moral code, given to them by Arpan himself. This is reflected in their political outlook as well, which is very hierarchical - everyone knows his place and to upset this is to damage the very fabric of society. Judgement on wrong-doers is swift and harsh. Their code of laws forbids licentiousness and adultery. They favour weapons such as swords and their nobles fight with lances from horseback. Their most notable warriors are their military orders, founded on the worship of their many war gods. See also WhatItMeansToBeASoltaran |