BalazarTheHeroBalazar was a hero who came out of Peloria? and united the Votanki? Clans, forming a brief lived Kingdom of Balazar?. He died in the Dragonkill War? in Dragon Pass? in 1100, leaving three sons (or two sons and a daughter) to rule in Balazar, each of whom build one of the three citadels currently ruled by the Citadel Kings. Balazar introduced the Cult Of Yelmalio to the Land Of Balazar, starting the New Religions tradition. He himself is worshipped as a sub-cult of Yelmalio? as part of this tradition. He in turn has a sub-cult; Ernesta The Sow Mother?, which he introduced to Balazar. This allows the pig-breeders of the citadels to survive, which was part of Balazar's plan for improving the economy of Balazar; unfortunately he died before he could proceed any further and his kingdom collapsed with him. His children were too young to rule and by the time they reached age, the divisions within Balazar were too deeply entrenched for any of them to re-unite it, although there have been a number of attempts. Balazar bested King Griffin as part of his conquest of Balazar, and as a result Rune Lords of the cult of Balazar may ride horses within Balazar and the Elder Wilds without molestation from griffins. Cult RanksLay MembershipRequirements to JoinAnyone who is a descendant on Balazar is automatically a Lay Member. In essence this means every Balazaring is a Lay Member whether they like it or not. Non-Balazarings may become members if they have resided in Balazar for a year, so long as they are humans, elves or griffins. They must also pay 10 Lunars to join. Requirements to BelongNon-Balazarings must rejoin the cult, at a cost of 10 Lunars, if they leave Balazar, except on cult business. They must never befriend trolls, dwarves, dragonewts or dragons. They will be expelled if they are found to have lied to other members of the cult. Mundane BenefitsLay Members may own property within the citadels of Balazar. SkillsThe cult teaches, where appropriate, Two-handed Spear, One-Handed Spear, Shield, World Lore, Spot Hidden. Spirit MagicThe cult will teach all spirit magic at normal prices except Bludgeon, Darkwall, Fireblade and Firearrow. Initiate MembershipRequirements for InitiationLay Members may qualify for initiate status after they have been Lay Members for two years continuously. Requirements to Remain InitiatedMundane BenefitsSkillsInitiates gain access to the Craft skill of Pig-tending from the Entra spirit that is associated with Balazar. Only Balazar initiates may sucessfully raise pigs. Spirit MagicRune MagicRune Lord MembershipRequirements for AcceptanceRestrictionsBenefitsSkillsSpirit MagicRune MagicRune PriestsRequirements for AcceptanceRestrictionsBenefitsSkillsSpirit MagicRune Magic |