ReligionsOfBalazarThe following cults are all found, to a greater or lesser extent, in Balazar. They are divided into three categories: Cults Of Balazar?These are the cults that are indigenous to the Land Of Balazar and are part of the native culture of the area. Some of these are unique to Balazar, others are universal to Genertela or Glorantha. Yet others are universal gods but the details of their worship are very different in Balazar compared to other areas of Glorantha. There are two distinct religious traditions within the Cults Of Balazar?, which Bluebird has called the Old Religions and New Religions. The Old Religions are the shamanistic spirit worship that was practiced by the Votanki clans after time and before the coming of Balazar The Hero. The local population didn't have the sophisticated religious traditions of regions that had been less affected by the Great Darkness? and they didn't have the production surplus to evolve such a tradition. As a result, although they were aware of entities such as the sun and the earth, their worship concentrated on the spirits that their shamens could contact. When Balazar The Hero came to the Land Of Balazar, he brought the worship of Yelmalio? with him and founded the citadels. Within the citadels, with their higher geared economy, this divine religious tradition continued and survives until today, but it is still restricted to the citadel populations; the hunter-gatherer clans do not have the surplus resources to support a religious hierarchy of priests and acolytes. Invader Cults?These are the recently arrived cults in the Land Of Balazar, mainly brought by the Lunar Empire? or migrant Light Bringers?. So far they have not permeated the fabric of Balazaring cultural life although Lunar cults are starting to have an impact around the Elkoi Citadel?, where some Balazarings are starting to worship Seven Mothers? and settle down to pastoral or agricultural lifestyles. CultsOfChaos?Chaos is an ever-present force, either innately evil as the Light Bringers? and Balazarings hold, or else a necessary part of the balance of life as the Lunars hold. |