New combat system (probably stolen by my subconscious from either Pendragon or HeroQuest).
Take your attack skill and divide by 5 to get a number between 1 and 20.
Opponent does same with either Parry or Dodge.
Each of you rolls a D20, attempting to get under your target number. A 20 is a fumble.
Defender is under target number, attacker is under target number = parried hit – attacker does damage equal to the amount he exceeds the defender by, capped by the maximum damage for his weapon.
Defender is over target number, attacker is under target number = hit, attacker does his score in damage, capped by the maximum damage for his weapon.
Attacker is over target number = miss.
Then just roll another d20 for the location and deduct armour from damage as normal. If the attackers score was equal to his target number, its a critical and doesn’t deduct for armour.
Only three dice rolled rather than 4 (6) and parries are more progressive – which is probably important as you get to higher skill levels. More chance of a fumble and critical though, and the chance of a fumble and critical are not influenced by your skill.