An exciting and ultimately close battle using Phil Sabin’s Lost Battles rules last night against Darth Mather. We were refighting 2nd Coronea – he was Agesilaus, I was the humdrum allied hoi polloi. I felt I was doing very well initially as I pushed forward my right flank and broke right through his weak left flank and was getting the better of the melee in the centre, while his right flank commanded by Agesilaus was just sitting there like a bunny in the headlights, but two poor morale rolls saw me loosing all my remaining hoplites on my right flank and in the centre as they were already spent. I used my last command points to withdraw my hoplites on the left unengaged and end the battle. When we added up the points though, the 26 point bonus for starting the battle with only 51 points to the Spartan 64 points, and that most of my hoplites had fled because of poor morale rather than being shattered in close combat meant that Mather had actually only won by 70 points to 67, which was pretty close.
All in all a very enjoyable battle. In the last turns I felt like I was being rolled over, but since that was pretty much what happened in real life I felt that the scoring system worked wonders in showing that really I did no better or worse than could be expected with the forces at my disposal. A refreshing change from the equal points fantasy historical match-ups that I am more used to.
No pictures unfortunately, which is probably a good thing.