How does PK do it. A seemingly unerring nose for the best terrain and figures. This time it is some very nice looking roads at: Must get some. Maybe I can then use them for unpaved roads and my SA Scenics roads as paved roads?
Talking of his recommendations, very impressed so far by the Old Glory 15s Gothic infantry from Timecast. They are a good match height-wise for the Buaeda barbarian infantry and Khurasan Romans and have a nice range of poses. Nothing matches the Legio Heroica figures, so the barbarian foot will be smaller than the Romans. Going to use LH Gothic cavalry for the nobles (Kn(F) in a Visigothic army or the armoured Kn(F) in an Ostrogothic army) and Khurasan and Old Glory figures for the un-armoured Kn(F) (or the Cv(O) in a Visigothic army).