World of Xoth

Thinking of setting a new ‘swords and sorcery’ campaign for David and Adrian in the World of Xoth.

I like to visualise my campaign worlds to help create atmosphere, and in this case, like most S&S campaign worlds, the nations have fairly clear historical analogues (which I used to think was lazy, but I now realise is really useful to help players relate to the campaign world if they don’t have time to immerse themselves in the background).

In this case, I might get half a dozen 25mm wargaming figures for each nation and paint them up, to give a view of what the average soldier is wearing and to use as guardsmen and city watch.

So the nations in the World of Xoth, and their analogues (for me) are:

Mazania – black amazons – find some nude amazon warriors

Azimba –

Shoma –

Ikuna – zulus (Wargames Factory do some plastic zulus)

Zadj – Persia – sassanid persians – always wanted to paint a few of them.

Yar-Ammon – egyptians

Jairan – Arabs

Khazistan – turkish ghilmen

Susrah – Seleucids?

Taraam – Assyrians?

Nabastis – Myceneans or classical greeks

Lamu – pale men in long robes? Slavs?

Sea Reavers – arab pirates/Sinbad