Right, the army is based and painted, terrain is selected (if not yet packed) and army list is printed twice. Just need to check that I have my weather reference sheet.
Too close to finishing the lead pile
So time to start thinking about other things I could start on 🙂
Having just read the Ballista book (Warrior of Rome: Fire in the East – recommended) I am enthused about how attractive a Sassanid army could be. In DBMM its pants, but it would look amazing in 28mm and I still need a 28mm WAB army (its complex – my Nikephorians started out as a WAB army but they really don’t work in WAB – the rear rank archers just aren’t effective enough and the feel of WAB is 1:1 and the cavalry units wouldn’t look right 10 ranks deep). Sassanid would have the advantage of being very, very small, especially with elephants, and 28mm elephants are something that I feel my life lacks.
So who make 28mm Sassanids?
Gripping Beast should be very nice because I like the rest of their figures. All of the infantry have domed hats though, which is apparently totally wrong, and a lot of the mounted are on half barded horses which is actually quite rare.
Newline have some on their product list, but no pictures which is a real problem. Might try a pack from them to see what they turn out like though.
A&A Miniatures seem to have a pretty extensive range. Reasonable variety (although still all domed hats for the levy) and LBM transfers available.
Extension tubes
I spotted a set of Nikon extension tubes in Chiswick Camera Centre on Saturday for £29 so I snapped them up as they are something that I have been looking for for a while as a cheap alternative to a proper macro lens. Here’s the first photo with them, from this morning:
This is a close up of a figure that I put a photo of up in a previous post – at the time that was the best reproduction ratio I could get. This was done using my 35mm f2.0 AF-D on my D80 with the PK-12 and PK-13 tubes together. Because the D80 doesn’t have the old external coupling the camera can’t read the aperture that is set (and I have to use one of the proper non-G lens because that way I can still set the aperture manually) so I have to go fully manual, and the metering doesn’t work either because there are no electrical contacts, but its easy to just take photos in digital and look to see what the exposure is like. There is the internal coupling though so I can at least focus without the aperture stopped down.
All in all, very satisfactory – certainly that is close enough so see the paint job brush stroke by brush stroke.
Every 40K force needs its background fluff and the random assortment of stuff that is my Apocalypse force certainly does. Part of my problem is that I like tanks, so I have a lot of them, but I also like experimenting, so they have lots of different paint schemes. So the answer is a brigaded force of the remnants of other formations, which fits well with the endless war theme of 40K. So this is a kampfgruppe for what we shall call the Lernean Crusade, essentially made up of the remnants of 3 different formations from different planets, each formed round a centrepiece super-heavy vehicle.
The first force is from a standard agri-world. The centre piece is the Baneblade, camouflaged with a Cream and Light Green large blob pattern washed with brown ink and aged. The infantry will be standard Cadians in the same colour scheme. Vehicles will be all of my PzIV conversions, so that will be the standard chassis for everything other than the Baneblade. At the moment that is 3 Leman Russ (one with autocannons) and 2 Basilisks.
The second force is from a hive-world. The colour scheme is very dark green-grey. Infantry will be Death Korps types, but using the new Wargames Factory shock troop figures – the head with the coal-scuttle helmet and the gas mask. Centrepiece is the baneblade with the 4 sponsons and the short-barreled main gun. The standard chassis will be the Chimera chassis – currently 1 Basilisk and a Chimera, which is unfortunately well painted in force 1 colours, so that might be loaned over for the mean time, as they probably don’t need transport vehicles.
The third force will be from a desert world and will have the Stormsword as the centrepiece. Haven’t decided on colour scheme yet but rather than earth style yellow desert I will try and go darker into dark-red and brown so that they fit better into the dark grey apocalypse city-scape. Vehicle chassis will be Rhino – so Rhinos as Chimeras and Predators as Leman Russ (the predator is my fave 40K model). Infantry will be Wargames Factory again, but with the helmets with the integrated visors (the very Star-Warsy ones).
Thats the thoughts so far, just need to start realising them.
Now is the winter of our discontent…
…made sweet summer by this son of York.
One of the challenges of HoTT as a fantasy wargaming system is that you actually have to be creative. Not for the HoTTer the crutch of army lists and approved figures. You must theme your own army. Some are brutally efficient, exploiting the imbalances of the points system, but we spurn them – they are players, not gentlemen. But being creative is not my forte and coming up with interesting themes for HoTT armies is not my forte – generic dwarves or undead egyptians are nice but hardly original.
But as I paint my DBMM War of the Roses army – genius strikes. I always talk to my figures as I paint them and obviously for the War of the Roses, all the best dialogue has to come from the first series of Blackadder (the one true series you might say). And then I think, why not do a Blackadder HoTT army. What would be in it?
Richard III – Knight General.
Richard, Duke of York “Let blood, blood, blood be your battle cry. Slit their gizzards” – Hero (anyone played by Brian Blessed has to be a hero).
Prince Harry “Now there’s going to have to be a certain amount of violence, but we all know its in a jolly go cause, don’t we?” – Difficult one this. I first thought a Cleric, but on balance I think he has to be a Paladin.
Edmund Blackadder, Duke of Edinburgh – Sneaker (obviously – very good at killing generals, albeit on his own side).
The Bishop of Bath and Wells (not the later baby-eating one, but the one who is apparently killed by Edmund but is still able to lead the service of thanksgiving) – fills the Cleric slot nicely.
The Spanish Infanta – Behemoth (obviously).
We nobles (obviously including Lord Percy “why, its the king”) – Knights
Peasants (lots of peasants, but they only count in the event of a tie) – Hordes.
Kadesh I
The battle for next year’s SoA Battle Day is Kadesh, so I guess the time is coming to start doing some research on what forces we will need for the battle. And this seems to be one where there isn’t much information, so it will be mainly guesswork. Although that does mean it will be more difficult for someone to disagree.
So what do we think we know?
Firstly the course of the battle. This seems to have taken place in a number of phases.
Phase 1 is the attack of the Hittite chariotry from ambush into the marching Re division (Re may also have been crossing the river at the time). It ends with the effective destruction of Re as a coherent force and the Hittites pursuing the remnants north to the camp of the Amun division where Rameses was. It is possible that some of the Hittites may have pursued west and south as well (assuming that part of Re fled in that direction) and that they are not mentioned because they do not play any further part in the battle (or if they do they are not in the bit that reflects to Rameses’ glory and therefore are not mentioned).
Phase 2 is the Hittite pursuit into the camp of Amun. Initially there is confusion and slaughter of the Egyptians but Rameses single-handed rallies the Egyptians and puts the Hittites to flight. We can probably assume that there is an element of hyperbole in the accounts of Rameses’ role in this, but it is interesting that the Hittites are put to flight after a fight in a camp where you would expect their larger crews and close combat weapons to give them a decisive advantage over the Eygptians with their lighter chariots and bows. However the infantry will be on good ground in the camp – that they are not mentioned in the account might be because they are not Rameses. Rameses enumerates 2,500 chariots in the Hittite attack at this point – is that the number that led the attack in phase 1, or is that the remains after some turned south or west in pursuit (the 1,200 that would bring the 2,500 up to 3,700, but see phase 3 below)?. Even so, this is 2,500 against the 5,000 infantry and 500 chariots of Amun (plus any rallied remnants of Re).
Phase 3 is Muwatillis the Hittite king sending his reserves of 1,000 more chariots comprising the nobility across the river to support the fight in the camp. This would conveniently bring the original 2,500 up to nearly the total of 3,700 (which would then suggest that maybe only 200 chariots were lost by the Hittites in phase 1). At this point as they are about to join the fray, the mysterious Ne’arin appear from the north-west to reinforce Rameses. The Hittites turn and retreat or flee across the Orontes.
The second part is the numbers, which is important as we need to start sourcing figures:
Rameses states that the Hittite army was 37,000 infantry and 3,700 chariots, on a convenient 10:1 ratio. This seems to be repeated when contingents are mentioned as well.
The Egyptian army seems to have been in 4 divisions – Amun, Re, Ptah and Seth. Each division appears to have been 5,000 infantry (a total of 20,000 is mentioned). There is no total for the number of chariots, but as a working assumption it is possible that Rameses gets to his total of the number of Hittite infantry by taking the ratio of infantry to chariots of his own army and applying that to the chariot strength of the enemy army. As a working assumption therefore, lets assume that the Egyptians have 2,000 chariots, with 500 in each division.
In DBMM (for that is what we shall be using), each element is 250 infantry (or 1,000 if Hordes) or 50 chariots. That gives us rough numbers of elements for the two sides of:
Egyptians: 80 infantry + 40 chariots. Lets assume that each division is 10 Bd(F), 10 Bw(O) and 10 Cv(S). Plus we need more Caananite chariotry for the Ne’arin (if they are Caananites).
Hittites: 128 infantry (unless some are Hd) + 74 chariots. Actual troops are more difficult for the Hittites. As a working assumption again though we could guess that the chariots are 1/3 each Hittite, Anatolian vassal and Syrian vassal, so 25 Kn(O) and 50 Cv(O).
Thirdly, we need to construct a plausible narrative for the battle. This is difficult because the Egyptian account fairly obviously contains a lot of tosh. We need to create a new one which makes sense in the following ways:
1. The numbers need to be plausible (which they are – no million man armies here).
2. The tactics need to be plausible. Here we start getting sticky. Why did the Hittites not use any of their infantry to push their advantage? Was their scouting as bad as the Egyptians’, such that they didn’t know that there were 4 Egyptian divisions (plus the Ne’arin) and though that they had plenty of time to destroy Amun and Re. Or was the Hittite infantry of such poor quality that they didn’t dare risk it?
3. The outcome needs to be plausible. Obviously the rules won’t cover Rameses winning the battle single handed. We need to work out how and why the initial Hittite charge of 2,500 chariots managed to scatter 5,000 infantry and 500 chariots so easily. And we then need to work out what actually was happening in the camp.
And in addition, why does it then end? Why do both sides then pull off? Were the Hittites surprised by the size of the Egyptian army? Or had they lost too many nobles in the first day to want to continue. Rameses certainly seems to have effectively capitulated in order to extricate his army, so why did the Hittites not press home their advantage? Was it that the Hittite core of their army was actually quite small and they had had to over-commit it on the first day (which would imply that the rest of the army wasn’t really very good)? Were they worried that if the Hittite core took too much damage, this far from home, their local vassals would take an opportunity to finish off the King?
Another project
Another project to add to my long list (why do none of them ever get finished?) is to restart the Glorantha Borderlands campaign that basically got dropped halfway through an assault on a newtling temple (I can’t remember why). Anyway, I think the key now, since none of my players will read any background material at all, it to have the right Praxian figures to give them the clues to remind them the world they are supposed to be in. So I am going to be collecting lots of links to Amerindian figures and bison, which is why they will start appearing in the links section.
Inspirational Abbasids
More as a bookmark for myself, as I have a boxful of badly painted Abbasids myself, here are some rather nicely painted Abbasids that will serve as inspiration for me to get another good looking army on the table. Now if only I could understand the DBMM Abbasid list…
Spotting the details
Old School
Coming soon, some photos from America, but while I sort out the decent ones from the 700 that I took (the joy and curse of digital photography) here are some photos of some RPG figures that I have been painting recently. I have a couple of boxes of old RPG figures, some dating back to when I first started in the eightes, and mostly unpainted. Since I started RPGing again we have started using them again and so I have started painting and repainting them (believe it or not my painting skills were even worse 20 years ago). Here are a couple that I have done; first a female cleric figure:
And also a plate armoured warrior (normally used in the evil antagonist role, but actually quite appropriate as a cleric as well since he has a flail):
Then one of the rare ones painted for me by Petra. I think this was originally one of the Elric with Stormbringer figures, but I bought a couple of them to use as high elf command figures. This one then got painted by Petra to her colour scheme, so I am now using it as an RPG figure because I can’t paint a whole unit to match…