The rolling land stretches out before us… Our road keeps to the foot of the moors. The land is more settled outlying farms, villages with no palisades. We are stared at by passers-by – seems they are not used to seeing armed men on the roads. We are approaching civilisation!!
We stop at a reasonable sized village – we can tell it’s posh round here, no ones got shit on ’em! There’s even a choice of inns. Halventromm mentions that tomorrow we will leave the main road to leave for Harrowstone. At the mention of that name, a hush falls across the room. Mahan eyes up the buxom bar wench. He orders a round of ale and then asks her about the reputation of Ravenshill.
She is surprised that we haven’t heard of Harrowstone prison – a high security prison, scene of torture and execution until a terrible fire that killed many of the inhabitants. It’s now considered to be haunted. Harrowstone is a thriving village, but populated by weirdos…
The next morning, we take the side road and head up onto the moors. We reach a village come mid-afternoon – Halvenstrom thinks that this is Ravenshill. It sits on a river and has two bridges. At a fork in the road at the edge of town is a post with bits of paper nailed to it. It seems to have job ads, notices, advertising etc.
Further up the road is a circular town square. This town seems well equipped with traders. Forge, apothecary, inn, temple to Helim etc. We go to pray to Helim and make a donation, then head to the inn.
We speak to the matronly barmaid. Petros Halventrom is the person we seek, but sadly he died two days ago. He was crushed by falling masonry up at the old prison. His daughter, Kendra, found him. His house is back down the road we came in on, and we will find her there.
It seems he was not popular in the town, many were scared of him. It’s claimed he was a necromancer – raising spirits of the undead. He always denied these claims. Kendra is fairly private, but is popular with some of the young lads. No mother came with them to the village when they moved here.
We head to the house with the red shutters. It’s reasonable sized with a lovely vegetable patch behind the house, and partially coming round to the side of the house. We also spot some men in nice red uniforms hiding behind the coal shed. We go and knock on the door. A tall young lady of medium attractiveness opens the door. She recognises Uncle Actos, surprised that we got here so soon as she only sent the letter yesterday. He explains he’s already received one from Petros.
Apparently there were strange goings on at night at the prison and Petros was investigating. We go to look in the study to see if there are any clues. After just a few minutes looking we find a journal. The final entry reads:
Tomorrow evening I return to the prison. It is imperative the Way does not finish. My caution has already cost me too much time. I am not sure what will happen if I am too late, but if my theory is right, the whole town could be at risk.
The previous day reads:
I see now how ill-prepared I was when I last set out for the Harrowstone. I am lucky to have returned at all. The ghosts, if indeed they were ghosts (for I did not find it prudent to investigate further) prevented me from transcribing the strange symbols I found etched along the foundation – hopefully on my next visit I will be more prepared. Thankfully, the necessary tools to defend against spirits are already here in Ravenshill. I know that the temple of Zalatun used to store them in a false crypt in the Restlands at the junction of Eversleep and the Black Path. I am not certain if the current clergy even know what their predecessors have hidden down below. If my luck holds I should be able to slip in and out with a few borrowed items without them knowing.
A few days before that is another entry referring to ‘The Way’ and seeking a list of all who died in the fire.
It is confirmed. The Way seem quite interested in something, no strike that, someone who was held in Harrowstone. But who, specifically, is the Way after? I need a list of everyone who died the night of the fire. Everyone. The temple of Zalatun must have such a list. Or the temple of Helim a list of the prisoners.
Another 10 days previous, refers to The Way again:
Whatever the Way seeks, I am now convinced their goal is connected to Harrowstone. In retrospect, I suppose it all makes sense – the stories they tell about the ruins in town are certainly chilling enough. It may be time to investigate the ruins, but with everyone in town already so scared of them, I would rather not let others know about my curiosity – there are plenty of folks who already think I am a demonologist or necromancer or something – the ignorant fools. Typical country bumpkins.
Another month before – The Way is interested in something here in Ravenshill, but what could it be:
It is as I feared. The Way is interested in something here in Ravenshill. But what?
Rufus finally comes across an entry from several years ago, that is circled in red:
The Whispering Way is more than a cabal of necromancers. Undeath is their fountain of youth. Their desire for imortlity makes them more dangerous.
We stay in the house and the funeral of Petros is tomorrow. That will take us to the cemetery.
The next morning, we attend the funeral and Kendra asks us to be pallbearers. We go to the temple of Zaloton to collect the coffin. Things turn a bit nasty in the cemetery – some local lads try to stop the funeral. Nailen tries to talk to them – one pushes him over. When he gets back up another swings at him with a club but misses. Nailen punches him and tries to intimidate them into backing down. It fails and 4 of them advance menacingly. Nailen draws sword and dagger, and they lose their nerve and back away. Kendra thanks us for averting an ugly fight. We pick the coffin back up and continue on to the grave. There is a small gathering of locals, a brief service and the coffin is lowered.
The notable locals are Vashian Halfmount – head of the council, Garren Muricar – another, younger member of the council, Zirkar Elkarid and his son – tavern keeper (not the one we went to) and Jarminda FallenBridge – apothecary. And of course the priest who was with us – Master Grimburrow.
We quiz Grimburrow on the names of the paths in the cemetery – this will allow us to find the crypt mentioned in Petros’ journal.