People that we have met and liked and are still alive, or people we met and didn’t like and are still alive (a much smaller group).
Stephen, Vyaaren, Jubal, Maglor, Morkel
- Pyotr of Sukiskyn and the rest of his family, for saving them from goblins.
- Stefan of Sukiskyn – a fellow roving adventurer.
- Vissaryon, a gnomish mine-owner from north of the Lake of Lost Dreams whose lost brother
- Tekaryon we found (and we killed a giant spider for him).
- Goriidel of the Vyalian elves of the Lake of Lost Dreams. The rest of the Vyalian elves were friendly to us as well for our goblin genocide programme.
People we met
- Stubbs Platterman – halfling proprietor of an inn where we left rather than letting his inn be destroyed by the Iron Ring.
- Patriarch Sherlane of Threshold – we met him and managed to avoid getting blamed for the incident with the troll.
- Loshad the Centaur – he didn’t try and kill us, so has to be regarded as neutral. I seem to remember you had to stand on one leg and whistle for him in the hills or something. And promise to release all your horses.
- Fyodorll the horse trader. We seemed to get on OK with her.
People who really don’t like us
- The Iron Ring – we killed quite of few members of their middle/senior management, including Golthar, so we suspect that we are not on their Helimstide card list any more.
- The goblins of eastern Karameikos – there are probably a few of them left after our genocidal clearance of the Dymrak Forest, and they are probably creating their equivalent of the Weisenthal Centre to try and track us down.
Tanara, Bryan, Oin
- Pavel – a young wandering fighter who is enamoured of Tanara
- Titus – a keen young priest of Helim who wants to join the Order of the Griffin
People we met
- Captain Grygor – captain at Kelven
- Captain Thrommel – commands the Hightower at Specularum
- Sergeant Boris – reports to Captain Thrommel
- Chief Wiggumescu – eats doughrings, drinks coffee, investigates murders. Or rather, gets us to do it for him
- Rahasia – elven maiden in some peril
People who really don’t like us
- The Veiled Society/The Radu family – appear to be one and the same. The center of the violent underworld of Specularum. We nearly took down their leaders. Re-entry into Specularum could be risky.
Bael, Varys, Isis, Minerva, Amber, Morgan, Rob
- The Duke of Sulescu – we done some stuff for him
- The Lizardmen near Saltmarsh – we killed a lot of Sahaugin on their behalf
- Savage tribe of southern Isle of Dread (I can’t remember any names!) – we impressed them with our metal trinkets
- Ancient Tribe of the Volcano – we are their saviours as we are clearing their holy isle of heathens and blasphemers
People we met
- Rakasta – cat people who we intimidated and brow beat into agreeing to trade with us. Isis nicked one of their sabre-toothed tigers.