Much ado about nothing

We come to the conclusion that there is nothing else to do but go up to the gaol. We decide to go up there at dawn.

Rosy fingered dawn reaches through the mists.. We follow the path out of town, up the hill to Harrowstone.

There is a central building and then grounds surrounded by a crumbling stone wall. One end seems to have collapsed into a sink hole in the ground. There is no bird life to speak of, simply an eerie silence. The sinkhole is full of water – it’s been here a while, reeds and cat-tails are growing.

We walk through the gateway, the gate sags off the gateposts. The place is looking in a pretty sorry state. As Mahan passes through the gate he gets a feeling of being trapped and on fire. But he mans up and ignores it. There’s a small house off to the left – we go take a look at it. The roof sags, plaster has fallen off the ceiling… It looks shitty and abandoned. Mahan explores and nearly falls through the floor – he is hit by some falling plaster.

We exit the cottage and go to look at some towers in the curtain wall. As we approach the tower we see a couple of MASSIVE rats run along the walkway at the top of the wall.