So *this* is the main entrance..

The next morning the party are summoned to see Sir Marcus. It seems that he has found someone who speaks the lizard tongue. However, it seems that the priest doesn’t want to say much beyond hurling curses.
It is decided that they will head back out and this time explore the sea-cave.

Following an uneventful journey, anchor is dropped and the jolly boat rowed toward the cave. Isis’ lizardy friends are following. The cave entrance is very low but within it opens out into a wide circular cave, similar to the big muddy one.
Our heroes make landfall at a ledge on the backwall and Amber and Rob sneak down a short passage from which a faint light source is seen. It seems that the lizardmen are alert to the arrival of their ‘guests’ and soon a pitched battle is raging on the ledge. Morgan and Minerva are facing lizardmen coming down the corridor, while Dolphinboy and Amber handle some odd blue goblin-type creatures who attempt to flank the party from the rear. Varys makes his contribution by casting Sleep at the blue goblins and then ponders on cave formations and other geological oddities.
Battle rages, and it takes a turn for the worse when some kind of giant eel with some sub-species of lizardman riding it’s back. They hurl javelins and Varys is grabbed by the ankle and dragged underwater.
Isis manages to bring one of the lizards to bear on teh blue goblins but they are not really fighting lizards and do little damage.
The party is gradually worn down and Morgan falls in battle. Amber is enraged and fires off two arrows at the lizardman leader. He takes heavy damage and the remaining lizardmen flee back into the room they emerged from.
The blue goblins have been defeated, however more lizardmen have appeared behind them. And Isis has gone down too. The other lizard stands over the body of it’s fallen friend to defend her body and there seems to be something of a stalemate.
Those still standing elect to exit the cave ledge down the corridor. Some passage exploring is done but nothing of much interest is found although Rob manages to break his lock picks on one stubborn door.
Turning one last corner the party spy another group of lizardmen, this one containing an old, stooping lizardman. It speaks in common asking the party to lay down their weapons and come to talk. With little option everyone sheathes and walks with the old geezer.
He asks Bael and Amber why they attacked his people at the side door and the mud cave. Bael explains that they were chasing a renowned smuggler and on his ship was a chart of the area west of Sulescu with a big ‘X’ marking this area. When they came to investigate and entered the cave system they were attacked. The old lizard asks after Snake Eyes and Amber says he seemed to have abandoned his boat. Bael asks what they were expecting, and then asks why they were buying weapons. Old Lizard says the lizardmen are waging war against their mortal enemies, the Sahaugin, who have driven them from their former home and forced them to take refuge in this old, long since abandoned cave system, Bael points out that when rumours start of lizardmen tooling up for war so near to the realm of men they should expect interest. Old Lizard shrugs…
Bael ponders on when and how to use his Persuade powers. Some healing wouldn’t go amiss…