We examined the room with the sand and mirrors again. Rob decided to hide the light emanating from Minerva’s sword to see if he could detect any light coming from the ceiling. In doing so he discovered a vertical slit in the top of the mirrored walls at both ends which let in sunlight. It was surmised that the sand had in fact not been deliberately placed there but had drifted in through the slots. As well as the light coming from the slots the room seemed filled with some magic glowiness. Isis did a detect magic spell in the mirror room and detected that both mirrored surfaces are magical and there are 10 floaty magical blobs near the ceiling. The seem to bob around the centre of the room in a random fashion. While Isis’ detect magic was still active she went to see if the room with the acid was magical. The acid only showed up as slightly magical.
After night fall Isis changed into an ape and went to scout out the other pyramid. She stayed the night there. In the very early morning while it was still dark she spotted the mysterious stranger climbing the staircase of the pyramid. When he got to the top he placed his hands and forehead onto the altar. Then he went and sat cross legged in the middle alcove. Isis tried to have a closer look but he spotted her. He snarled and transformed into a swarm of bats which chased Isis off the pyramid. She ran towards the town to avoid drawing the bats to us. Fortunately the bats did not actually attack her after driving her off the pyramid they flew back to the pyramid.We ran to the aid of Isis but she was alright.
In the morning we decided after much thought and discussion we decided to go check out the pit on the ground level. Amber was tied to some rope and lowered slowly into the pit while she held a flaming torch. When she got to the bottom she found herself at the botttom she found herself in a wide cavern. She did not untie herself from the rope incase she needed to make a quick get away. The walls of the cavern could not be seen in the glow of the torch but just at the edge of where she could see there was some strange reflections on some unknown surface. She decided to walk towards this but still with the rope tied to her. As she moved towards these strange reflection this surface started shimmering as if it were moving. Taking fright from what could only be imagined as some monstrous creature. Maybe even a dragon! She shouted to be pulled back up. As she started being dragged backwards by us pulling on the rope a pair of giant eyes with slits for pupils appeared in the glow of the torchlight. An enormous forked tongue darted towards her to taste the air. As she was lifted further up the pit the head of a huge snake appeared below her. It was between six to eight feet wide and ten feet wide. Fortunately we managed to pull her to safety.
Rather than possibly confront the snake then we decided to put that off to the start of our next session. We went to investigate the other pyramid some more. Carefully walking around the pyramid base we spotted a slit high up on the walls that did not have staircases. Also while looking carefully we spotted two doors either side of the staircase. These doors were filled with many stones. Isis did some more detecting magic on them but they were not magical. Rob decided to climb the staircase to the top and there thought he would place his hands and forehead on the altar as had been seen done by the mysterious stranger. A bad decision by Rob! Instantly his mind was flooded by horrendous images of bloody sacrifices. Terrible priests cutting our the heart and lungs of victims and floods of blood pouring down the pyramid. He was then flung backwards unconscious.