We rejoin the battle…
Morgan is down on his knees retching as the poison takes hold and Varys is rooted to the spot. More cannibals have appeared on the balconies….
Amber drags Morgan to safety, Bael does the same for Varys. Isis steps up to the corridor exit and Minerva joins her thus restricting the number of cannibals who can engage in combat.
It is something of a war of attrition.. Minerva and Isis seem unable to strike in the same round. Isis does notice that the spear she picked up seems light and nimble in her hands. As Minerva drops one of the cannibals Amber spots and opportunity and dashes out into the chamber and skulks in the shadows of the fire, taking potshots at one cannibal still on the balcony.. He misses due to the dim lighting. However, several other behind her can see her illuminated by the fire and one hits her with an arrow. She quickly scurries into the shadows.
The morale of several of the cannibals waivers, and five of them run off. Minerva and Isis have whittled them down to what seems to be the chief and one bodyguard.
With Amber stepping in from the shadows for a backstab and Minerva and Isis finally clicking together, the chief eventually drops. But he’s left his mark on the ladies – they are all feeling battered and cut.
The chief’s body is searched. No valuables, but his sword looks pretty nice. Someone takes it??? Isis also decides to don the bone armour of the bodyguard.
As a message to the remaining cannibals we decapitate the chief and leave his head on a spike outside the temple as we return to our canoes and paddle back to the village.
We are met by Umlat and Talking Chiefy. We explain that Morgan has been poisoned, but that we have broken the back of the cannibal tribe. We have returned for some healing, and to hopefully cure Morgan’s poisoning, but that we plan to return to the temple as we feel sure there is a darker force hidden deep below…
Morgan is cured and stops vomiting. Varys slowly regains use of his limbs. Everyone else nibbles on a mango.
Isis is despatched in giant bat form to scout out the temple and see what she can see, she is also instructed to look for the hole in the roof. This she finds with ease, however there is a net strung across the hole – presumably to keep bats out!
Early next morning, feeling refreshed, we paddle around the island to land away form the temple. Lead by Isis we sneak to the roof opening. The rope hanging down is knotted for ease of climbing and Rob is able to unhook the net to allow us through.
The fire has died down and we notice the bodies have gone and that there are bones amongst the ashes. Cooked and eaten, or cremated..???
The place seems deserted. We check the balconies. On one side is the chief’s room, but we find little of value. The other side seems to contain rooms related to some kind of ritual.. Again, we find little of value and no secret doors. Rob decides to finally get with the program and picks up a short bow and some arrows!
With nothing left to check around this chamber, we head through the mouth. the passage turns and descends some stairs. We then come to a rock wall which takes us a couple of hours to dismantle enough so that we can squeeze through. Minverva crawls through first, but there is nothing beyond. The rest follow and we proceed cautiously down the passage.
We turn a corner and Morgan and Minerva fall through the floor. A trap! Maybe not, they splash into a flooded chamber. The water is about 5 feet deep so they suffer no injury. Rob and Amber secure an iron spike and rope and then the rest descend.
An open door to the west (or maybe the north?) seems to be the only way to proceed. As we wade through the water, Isis stubs her toe on what turns out to be a rusting brazier. Through the door appear to be 6 cells. It’s too dark and the water too murky to make anything out so we continue. At the end is a T junction. To the north (east?) we see a door. To the south (west?) the passage disappears into the dark. We head for the door and it opens into a huuuuge chamber…