Category Alastair

Lizard Genocide

From the clearing a path is found that leads to a door in the side of the hill. The party enter and in a sideroom they meet some lizardmen. Battle ensues and many lizardmen are slain (about 10). However there are clearly more, inluding a big guy, so the party retreat.
Back in Sulescu, Marcus asks them to investigate further and attempt to ascertain how many lizardmen there are. While in town several party members feel stronger and Bael feels that his inspiring songs are more inspiring.
On returning to the seas it is felt that there might be watchers on the headland, so a scouting party is dropped. They scour the hillside but only encounter sheep and a shepherd who knows little of the local reptillian fauna.

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What’s this X on the map?

It was decided not to chase Sigurd. Instead they bashed down the barricaded door and found an empty cabin with a porthole swinging. Whoever was in here escaped with the captain.

The party sail back to Sulescu to report back to the big bossman. He is pleased with progress and the fact that the vast majority of the contraband has been confiscated.

On one of the maps is a X near a promontory a few miles west of Sulescu. This could be the destination of the weapons that Sigurd was smuggling. Marcus despatches the party to investigate.

They sail up an estuary and drop anchor. Bael is left aboard to compose sea shanties and the others make landfall. They explore a bit and find a path through the marshes. It leads to a clearing…

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Always have at least two guards

Following the battle Bael attempts to sweet talk some info out of the big fighter guy using his bardic abilities.  He tells them that he is the captain of the ship, Sea Ghost and his name is Sigurd Snake Eyes, and they are transporting cloth and brandy. He gives a few more facts but won’t expand on whether anyone else is on board.

Rob takes Will and Tom off to investigate the foc’sle. They discover a galley and the general chandlery store. They also find a barred door. Rob uses Isis’ iron spikes to jam both doors to this room closed – he’ll come back and check them out later.

Rob, Will and Tom then turn their attention to the rear of the ship. Meanwhile Bael, Varys and Isis check the dead bodies, and loot Sigurd’s pockets. They find some coins and gems, and two keys on Sigurd.  The dead sailor also has some coins and a key, as does one of the other sleeping sailors.  The other sailors just have a smattering of small change.

In what would almost certainly appear to be Sigurd’s cabin Rob finds a pile of letters from various women who claim to be his wife – seems he is sowing his seed widely, also there’s a letter hinting at complicity in some level of smuggling operation with someone whose grasp of language is not high – humanoids, or some savage tribe…?? Also, there’s an interesting journal of a voyage away to the far south, on the Sea of Dread! It seems there’s an island with cannibal savages, terrifying giant lizards and friendly natives. All topped off with the promise of lashings of treasure. After Rob finishes reading it out there is a consensus that a ship should be chartered to sail out to the Sea of Dread to make a fortune. The name is surely just poor marketing.

However, back to the job in hand. A chest is also found but it only contained clothes. A metal box is found under the bed. Rob manages to detect a trap so no further action is taken.

They explore the other cabin, it looks like it was occupied by the mage that Amber used for target practice.  A small chest is found and is dragged out on deck.  Rob fails to pick the lock so someone (history fails to record who) forces the lock with their sword.  A cloud of green gas billows over the deck and Rob, Amber and Isis are overcome.  They fall to the floor and cannot be roused, although they continue to breathe.

Based on one of the letters found in Sigurd’s cabin Bael is convinced that other persons are on board and is worried about a surprise attack. Because of this, all able party members (minus Varys) descend the companionway to explore the lower deck. Down there they find the crew quarters with little of interest. The hold itself contains barrels (presumably brandy) and rolls of cloth. The bilges contain the usual rats and filthy water. There is a glint of something in the distance, but no one wants to check at this time. There are two rear cabins. There is a chest in the port cabin which contains clothes, a broken metal crossbow and a metal box.  The box is locked but a key found on the dead sailor matches the keyhole.  It contains 200 sp and a dagger made from a strange grey metal.  The crossbow is made from a similar metal.

There is also a chest in the starboard cabin, which contains clothes and a pair of old boots.  There is also a brass chest, which is locked.  Bael decides to carry it back up on deck before opening, in case of more gas traps.
When the party emerge on desk they notice a couple of changes – Varys is lying down and Sigurd is missing. Oooops. Seems that no one thought to count how many sleeping crew there were compared to the number of hammocks in the crew quarters. Varys was jumped from behind and then Sigurd and crewman escaped in the rowing boat. The rest of the crew and our incapacitated heroes were left alone though.
We leave our heroic, but tactically naive party, considering what to do next – chase the rowboat or smash down the final door then head back to port.
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The Supposedly Sinister Secret of Sulescu

Picture the scene – a tavern in Sulescu, The Woolpack. Something of a dive.. The noise starts to rise on one corner and there is the sound of breaking bottles. A fight breaks out. After a few minutes the town guard arrive and in true police state style they arrest everyone in the joint.
The scene changes to a lock-up. In one cell we see the heroes of our story – Rob Anybody (T1), Isis (Elf Dr1), Minerva (Elf F1), Bael the Bard (Ba1), Varys the Nervous (MU1), Amber Goldapple (T1) and Morgan (F1). It seems that they are picked out for special attention as they are taken to see the Governor of the town, Sir Marcus Palathetos.

He tells them of trouble with smugglers and that he can’t trust anyone in the town so he is turning to strangers. In return for their help he will free them. Other mercenaries went to investigate an old manor house on the cliffs. They returned with evidence that it was the base of the smuggling operation and then went out to explore further but never returned. It is expected that a boat will arrive tomorrow night. It must be captured and the leaders brought in for questioning. In support he offers an excise cutter and two sailors/guardsmen (Tom and Will). He will also provide other kit where possible.

Bael speaks on behalf of the others and accepts the task. He asks about taverns that the local sailors frequent – it may be possible to pick up gossip. Amber also thinks she can use her charms to get info.

The party decamps to The Dolphin. However, Bael’s attempts to engage the local fishermen in chat result in a tirade of anti-Ducal and anti-Thyatian invective. He manages to calm the situation by singing a song of the old Traladaran heroes and their battles with the Gnollish invaders. Amber has little success either and they both call it a night.

The next morning they go to investigate the burnt out ruins of the manor – there is little of real interest those. A cave system from the cellars leads to an isolated beach/cove which must be where the loot is landed. A brass ring in the ceiling of the sea cave suggests a signal lantern would be hung. But no other clues (or treasure!) are found.

On the walk back to Sulescu they ponder on their options and Isis visits a stone circle to pray to Tamra. Eventually, Bael suggests that they take the excise cutter and wait in the shadow of the cliffs. When they either see a ship or see lamp signals they should approach the ship and board it. Everyone agrees in principle so they return to Sir Marcus to report in.

He isn’t surprised to hear of the anti-Thyatian sentiment and is happy with the proposed plan. They ask for lanterns and grappling hooks – they will be on the boat.

After sunset our intrepid smuggler-busters depart. The boat rows out around the headland and waits about 50m offshore. All are alert for sounds or flashes of light. Eventually a clanking sound is heard – probably an anchor chain. Bael suddenly realises that the smugglers will be loading a small rowboat so the party need to head out and board before the booty leaves for shore. Isis sits in the bow and uses her superior night vision to scan the horizon. She sees some lantern flashes so flashes back. Further flashes respond and then nothing. Eventually Isis is able to pick out the shape of a masted boat. Visrys joins her in the bow – the plan is to cast a Sleep spell at the boat and then board. Isis announces that she can see figures moving on deck, they are probably loading the row boat.

Once they are close enough to hear the voices of the sailors Viserys casts his Sleep spell. Within a minute a cry goes up about sleeping on the job. By this point the cutter is around the other side of the ship and the two thieves attempt to throw the grappling lines. As Morgan and Rob start to climb a head appears over the side a cries out that they are being boarded. Morgan engages with one figure and Rob with the other. The rest of the party scramble up the lines to join the fun.

The battle is somewhat hairy. Morgan and Minerva slam down a lot of hurt on one guy but he seems to be really tough, however he is un-nerved by the attack and fails to land any serious blows. A mage on the poop deck casts a magic missile but is unable to do more as he is cut down by Tom and Will following an arrow or two from Amber.

The battle ends when the tough guy surrenders having seen the mage and his companion fighter both go down. Morgan and Minerva have both taken heavy damage…


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