The Parting
We camped over night. Mountain lion cutlets for breakfast. Met up with the elves again. Camped in the forest. Encountered refugees from Segenyev, who had been raided by goblins. They are led by Gregôr.
We share provisions with the Segenyeves and they part to the west.
The Petrified Forest
It is raining once again. We continue South undaunted. We start to recognise some of the land marks Vissaryon, the gnomish mine owner, highlighted. We enter begin to enter the valley.
Plants give way to stone. A petrified forest, caught in full bloom. There is a trial to follow. It has been well
Our thief, Maglor, enthusiastically volunteers to scout ahead. The idea is all his own. No really.
He heads off noting that the path heads slightly down and there are paths leading off
We are attacked by bats who are not turned back by the parties decisions on the stone foliage provided by deciduous woodland, providing enough cover to prevent bats from getting to us.
The party react with arrows and slings at the incoming bats. Vyaaren missed with a sling, wounded by Stephens cruel comments that Helim does not approve of ignoble slings and shot.
Maglor brings one down. The bats bite and Jubal smotes one to death. One sinks his gnashers into Stephen. Helim has let his judgement on the sling issue be known!
Vyaaren is hit, a mere scratch. Vy misses three times in a row. But the fourth blow is true. Felling it with some other minor characters.
The Warband
The bats are a regular feature. Will we run into a bat tamer?
No time for speculation as a warband of goblins and wolves are almost upon us. We split and hide! They do not see or smell us. They have passed. There are ten goblins and three wolves.
Morkel casts sleep upon them as they pass us. All the goblins sleep, the wolves are still awake though. Battle is entered with the wolves. We charge the befuddled goblins. Jubal almost slays one with his blow.
Vyaaren avoids combat. She moves darkly amongst the goblins, bringing Helim’s salvation to them with her mace. A wolf savages her before it’s attention is taken by more immediately threatening party members.
The party chop and grind there way through the wolves. They learn to respect their ferocious bites. They loot the bodies for 35 gold.
Maglor scouts ahead. He reports seeing a dark thickly black river, parted by a bridge and on the other side of it is a large petrified tree with a large entrance. Perhaps some sort of goblin-dark-scary-stone-forest HQ-type-place think the party.
He wants to scout it us, under the cover of an invisibility spell cast by Morkel.
A dramatic bridge log crossing moment occurs when he trips on a small stone sending it splashing into the water. Grunting noises from the tree base reach him but no people appear.
In the tree chamber there are two goblins and more beyond. He decides to come back to the party.
The party, after some deliberation, rush the tree and Morkel expends another sleep spell. There are twelve goblins there and two wolves. Only four goblins fall asleep this time.
The party seize the initiative and rush to attack. With a sparkle Stephen casts, hold person, his latest shiny spell on the goblins and three are gripped in fear by the all mighty Helim’s rapture.
The party close on the remaining wolves and fight it down. More gold and then another wolf appears, it is duly despatched.
The tree seems to be opening out to a small building complex. They come to another room with a couple of goblins releasing wolves in there. The party reach them with the range of their bows.
Whilst useful for scouting and hearing things Maglor has been noticeable by his absence from combat. Morbidly attached to this invisibility?
The next room on this blitzkrieg is the chieftains. A central column surrounded by goblins. We pile in, in our normal somewhat chaotic tactical approach. As it only seems to be a goblin vice-president rather than a full king Maglor remains stealthed. His cowardly blades remained sheathed. But under weight of attack forces this leader to his knees seeking our mercy. Ha!
In a cell by the room is an old woman.
The leader, in charge of the prison, says that Vlak has taken the prisoners. King Kloss is the King of the wolf riders. Vlak is not here at the moment though.
The woman is released. She says she is from Chercus. She is very scared. She wants to wait here until we finish looking around.
The party continues to explore. The next chamber is Kloss’s bedchamber. A smelly affair of disjointed bedding. The next door has an individual in who draws our eye. He wears a white wolf skin tabard. He orders his adds forward. Duly these are engaged. They are dealt with and the party now low on healing potions pick up more wounds.
The leader comes in but he is despatched with a wave of arrows and cleaves from Jubal and Vyaaren.
The party loot his cache. Stephen picks up a very nice shield, Vyaaren glares angrily at him. He is bejewelled and bedecked. Vyaaren remains true to the noble spirit of the free light.
Maglor remains invisible.
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