Still bubbling with enthusiasm, we are shown down to the hippogriff stables, and given cloaks that help them accept us as members of the Order. Up close, the hippogriffs are even more intimidating than they are from a distance, but I boldly climb up behind Arielle and strap myself in. Emergency exits are available on pretty much all sides, and I regret not having learned Feather Fall for my spell book. If I survive this, I will make it a priority next time. We have a quick conflab on tactics. There will be four knights of the order also taking part in the hunt, mounted on giant vultures. There is a low mist over the canyon where the manticore has been spotted, so finding it will be the first order of business. We decide that splitting into two groups of two will enable us to double our chances of finding it, while also giving us enough staying power to fight it if we do while the other pair come to our aid. And also allow for two pairs of eyes in case this is an elaborate plot to kill us in an unfamiliar environment. We also have a secret weapon in the form of Blinky, who is another pair of eyes, and whose eyes are exceptionally good in the moonlight. Manticores are just slightly larger than the prey she would normally go after…
We leap to the air with just a few tactical reminders, mainly to Sorrel to point out that raging or turning into a bear might both be inappropriate things to do when mounted on a hippogriff. The mist is thicker than we expected and we agree with the four knights, who are hunting as a wing of four rather than two pairs, that we will holler if we see the manticore. They, being properly equipped for these things, have a hunting horn. We set off in divers directions, and it is Sorrell and Feyabelle who first encounter the manticore. It is swiftly aware of them when an arrow from Feyabelle hits it squarely in the rump, and turns and flings a shower of tail spikes in her direction, hitting her mount. Arielle and I sweep in, with Thorg as a wingman, and I surprise it with a quarrel from my crossbow while Feyabelle keeps up volley after volley of arrows. A final set of magic missiles from my wand finishes it off before the vulture squadron even arrives – they appear to find us already sawing its head off. We return to acclamation and astonishment at our martial prowess. The promised ring is given and bestowed on Feyabelle for her devastating archery. Thurl Mirroska is so impressed by our prowess indeed that he offers to make us initiates of the society the very next morning. Our prestige is high, and we are offered a fine room on the top floor of the tower to bunk down in. We politely accept the offer, hoping that it does not involve binding ourselves inevitably to some evil cult, but is more the aerial hunting society of the nobility that it pretends to be.
The room is indeed well equipped, but I do not feel sleepy, and am still anxious to penetrate the mystery of these well-seeming idiots. There must be more to them than the chinless wonders that they appear to be. I decide to go a-sneaking around the tower after lights out. Arielle offers me the protection of her veil of shadows, although that will mean her accompanying me. Sorrel also offers to come, in the form of a rat, to sneak into small gaps and the like. So in the end, my solo wander becomes a charabanc of characters. Still we are largely successful, mainly because the knights seem to have little concept of security.
The top of the tower is completely unguarded, as if they had no concern over arial attack. We find the telescope we saw earlier, but it seems a normal gnomish artefact, with no magical enhancement above that normally found in such a device. Descending the tower, we find that on the floor with the great hall, there are 4 chambers. Sorrell examines each in rat form, and while unable to tell us in detail exactly what is there, we establish that two are empty and two hold two knights each.
The floor below has the kitchens and conservatory, now deserted, and a bunk room full of the strangely emaciated men that we have seen before in the kitchen and attacking us when riding vultures. No clue as to their role and nature. Their presence in the kitchen makes then seem like slaves or servants, but their role attacking us implies that they are warriors as well.
Returning to our floor, there are four large chambers, each a quadrant of the tower. One we inhabit. The rest are scouted by Sorrell as a rat. One contains Savra Belabranta, which confirms to us that she seems to be some sort of second in command. One contains two knights, and we surmise that two of the knights downstairs have been bumped from our room by us. The last is the room of Thurl. Sorrell finds a desk with papers, and we ask her to go and bring some out, provided that she can return them to roughly their original places.
The letters are most interesting. They reveal something of Thurl’s motivations and explain something of his position, but also worry us somewhat. There is one talking about Aerisi in most disparaging terms – he regards her as a spoiled brat prone to temper tantrums who just happens to have been favoured with finding an elemental weapon called Windvane, and who is dedicated to raising a demi-god of elemental air called Yan-C-Bin – the Prince of Evil Air. It also mentions Windharrow – he leads some minstrel band and is usually to be found toadying to Aerisi. There is another one talking about Larrakh, the priest we killed in the tunnels under Red Larch. It seems that he had fallen out with Aerisi for some failing, and was trying to get back into her good books with a display of over-zealous behaviour in taking over Red Larch. We are described as his likely killers. And a final letter comes from Aerisi herself, also describing us, and wanting more information about us. So it seems likely that Thurl does know who we are, and is probably just toying with us, but also that he may not be entirely displeased with us having killed Larrakh, and possibly will be trying to us us against the earth cult, and maybe even Aerisi herself. So he may not be entirely deceitful in offering to make us initiates, as I suspect he sees himself as potentially Aerisi’s equal or even superior.